Hey all! I'm Jamie, the girl at the wheel here at dear HoME. I am an interior decorator, photographer,  inn owner and now, blogger! Before all of that, I'm a mom to these two little monkeys and wife to my favorite project junkie, Jeff. We sort of fell into this renovation/DIY world by accident. 


“only those who go too far can possibly find out how far they can go.”
– t.s. eliot

Shortly after, we stumbled upon a 160+ year old Victorian in my hometown in shambles. It needed a complete renovation including plumbing, electrical, wall and ceiling repair to become the beautiful Inn it is today.  It was a mess. A complete disaster. And that is what started this crazy journey. We have since been project and renoholics. We recently built our forever home and are completing it one room at a time, DIYing as we go. Follow along on the

We have no formal education in design or woodworking. It started with us buying a complete gut/fixer upper because it was all we could afford for our first house. This was over a decade ago. The vision was there and we were determined to create our dream home, we just had to figure out how to implement it. One tool and wallpapered wall after another, we finished the house we brought our babies home to. 


“ I'm in love with cities I've never been to and people I've never met.”
– John Green

jeff and i have our own brick under the wrigley field marquee

my alias is a wedding photographer

brussle sprouts are my favorite late night snack

I like to read cheesy fictional books just as much as i like to read nonfictional history

fun facts


Weekly Playlists


my family

My favorite things





favorite seasons



throw pillows






favorite decor items

a little more about JAmIe...

love your home. style your life.