We are a family team of design and project addicts. I am Jamie, the Mom, photographer and decorator and I'm a shopaholic. It's true! At least I admit it.  I have a passion for pattern, color and natural light. I will wallpaper anything I can get my hands on and have a storage space in my house dedicated to my ridiculous collection of throw pillows and blankets. 

hey there! we're the orr family


“Home is the story of who we are and a collection of all the things we love.” 

- myer | age 5

use flowers. like for decorations because they're really pretty. and fake lemons for the pots. and a jungle themed house is really cool and beautiful at the same time.

Tip no. 1

- keller | age 9

Expect The Unexpected. Don't Worry If Things Don't Always Go Right. It Will Never Be Perfect. 

Tip no. 2

- jamie

The 3 most important rules to any of our home projects are functionality, design and most importantly, cost! Everything we do is budget friendly. You don't have to have a lot of money to have a lot of style!

Tip no. 3

- jeff

Don't be Afraid to go out of your comfort zone and try something new. Patience is a virtue and walls are never straight!

Tip no. 4

love your home. style your life.