Renovations are fully underway in this sweet little bedroom at Sister Hill Inn! We added a bit of decorative frame molding, our new favorite paint color (it’s green!) and a gorgeous mural. With just these few changes, it already looks like a completely different space!

When we first purchased this house, there was carpet throughout the entire upper level. Unfortunately, even though no one had lived there for a number of years, it was not entirely unoccupied. There’s no saying what kind of animals called it their home but by the evidence they left behind, it looks like there were a lot of them! Luckily for us, the awesome family who lived there in the 80’s/90’s put down a great carpet pad that saved the 160 year old wood floors underneath.

This is the before image of the bedroom we are renovating at Sister Hill Inn.

Our initial renovation of this space gave it a complete overhaul. Along with refinishing the original wood floors, we also had to rewire all of the electrical and add forced heat and air. The bones of this house are strong but from centuries of settling, the plaster ceilings were pretty cracked up. A fresh coat of plaster and paint is all it needed to look like new again!

We initially chose to paint all the rooms in the house neutral colors. They just felt like they needed it. A fresh start. Brand new and clean. Or from the words of Outkast, so fresh and so clean, clean (tell me that song wasn’t already running through your head?). We used a color called Blanched Fuchsia, a Dutch Boy color for all of the trim upstairs and kept the walls a soft white. It was beautiful and bright and felt like new. But it’s been 5 years and she feels healthy again so it’s time to change all that and have a little bit of fun with these spaces!

Mom, Jeff and I have always called this room the green room. None of us are really sure why other than we had a light green comforter on the bed when we initially opened. Calling it that was definitely my inspiration for the update!

It’s no secret that I’m obsessed with wallpaper. But more than my love for a beautiful repeat pattern, I love a good mural even more! I have them all over my own house and Sister Hill. I will find almost any excuse to put one up. So, naturally, when I found this mural online and it became my inspiration for the whole design!

The color came next. No question. It had to be green. This color is called Cattails by Dutchboy. It is very similar to the cabinet color we put in Mom’s house. I guess when you find something you love, you surround yourself in it. In my opinion, it’s the perfect combination of blue and green! I honestly can’t say enough about it. It feels so good to walk into a space surrounded by this color and it changes as the sun moves. It’s kind of perfect.

There’s still lots to do but we have a good start! I’ve included our mood board with links below! I will continue to post and link as we go. Follow along for more updates as we finish this beautiful room!


Wall Sconces



Paint Color

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The Green Room at Sister Hill


This week of the One Room Challenge with Apartment Therapy was a fun one! We started the faux fireplace at Sister Hill and got to put some color on the walls!

The color we chose is so gorgeous! It’s called Chagres River by Clark + Kensington and is completely transforming the look and feel of this space. I love so much that it is a bit unexpected but also just feels very natural in this room. I will finish painting the lower 2/3 of the walls as well as the trim next week in week 4 as well as put up the mural!

The faux fireplace was created with 2 corbels we found a few years ago with the intention to use in the home we were building. The style didn’t really fit so they have been sitting in our storage room just waiting to be used! We turned them on their heads and they make the perfect base for a faux fireplace! We created the top portion using scrap wood and MDF that we had left over from other projects. In all, this project has only cost us $25 out of pocket so far. To give it a finished look, we are on the hunt for a beautiful piece of detailed wood for the front and the perfect tile for the inside! I will keep you posted in our instagram stories as we hunt for those items!

This project keeps getting better as it goes! Stay tuned to see what’s coming in week 4!



Blue Room – One Room Challenge


Week two of the One Room Challenge was a success! Adding a bit of molding to the walls in the game room at Sister Hill is just what this room needed to give it a bit of old charm.

During our initial renovations of the house, we kept multiple pieces of scrap wood and cut edges. These were the perfect pieces to create the 3’x3′ box molding on the wall.

Setting the height of the molding at 5 feet will create a dramatic visual once painted the deep blue that we will begin in week three! During our third week, we will finish the molding throughout and begin on the faux fireplace! Stay tuned!



Adding Molding to a Blank Space

Victorian Home Renovation

Ah! It’s here! The One Room Challenge with Apartment Therapy has officially begun! This season, One Room Challenge is celebrating their 10th Anniversary and we are so excited to be a part of it!

For this 8 week design project, we chose to continue our the game room at Sister Hill along with the connected bedroom. This is one of our favorite spaces in the house. It’s the perfect room to relax, kick back, play a game and if you’re me, drink some wine.

When we first saw this space, it was full of dark wood paneling, glue on top of glue on the floor and a beat up drop ceiling. It needed a new life.

With a whole lot of scrubbing, white paint and beadboard for the ceiling, we created a fresh space that feels bright and welcoming. But also, 5 years later, it feels really old. Not that good kind of vintage old but the kind of old that looks like you just got all of your grandparents left over furniture and weren’t sure where to put it. It needs some love and after finishing the remodel of the green room, we are up for the challenge!

So, although this room has come quite a long way since we began renovations in 2016, the Game Room is ready for some major updates and added charm!

By bringing color back to the walls and creating an escape with a mural and faux fireplace, that vintage vibe is all you’re going to feel when you walk into this space. Source links and inspiration photos are below. Follow along here on the blog and on Instagram as we continue our Victorian home renovation!


Spring 2022 One Room Challenge


In 2016, we stumbled across this beautiful beast of a home begging to be brought back to life! We had just finished rehabbing our ranch style, fixer upper when this house came into our lives. Without Jeff even seeing the inside, he, my mom, sister and I started in on a new adventure.

Sister Hill Inn and Wedding Event Venue

Left empty for years and inhabited by animals, we immediately fell in love with this giant Victorian built in the 1850’s. As a wedding photographer, walking into a space with such beautiful natural light was kind of a dream come true. It felt like ours the second we stepped inside with endless possibilities. Of course, after all of the paperwork was signed, reality set in…this wasn’t only the therapy project we all needed so badly at the time, this was going to be A LOT of work!

For nearly 2 years, we drove the 50 miles on most weekends and many weeknights working any spare minute we could find, painting, scraping and finishing floors. Our boys grew up in construction, almost as their second home. Keeping as much of the original character as we could salvage, we reveled in giving this house life again. And no matter how much work it was, every time we stepped back in there, it was like a breath of fresh air. It just always felt right. So we kept going.

In late 2017, we opened to the public as an Inn and small Event Venue . Every weekend, the house is full of guests who get to love it just as much as we do.

Now that almost 5 years have past, it’s time for us to make some updates! Follow along as we refresh this space room by room with unique design and character!



Sister Hill


love your home. style your life.