Blue Room – One Room Challenge

This week of the One Room Challenge with Apartment Therapy was a fun one! We started the faux fireplace at Sister Hill and got to put some color on the walls!

The color we chose is so gorgeous! It’s called Chagres River by Clark + Kensington and is completely transforming the look and feel of this space. I love so much that it is a bit unexpected but also just feels very natural in this room. I will finish painting the lower 2/3 of the walls as well as the trim next week in week 4 as well as put up the mural!

The faux fireplace was created with 2 corbels we found a few years ago with the intention to use in the home we were building. The style didn’t really fit so they have been sitting in our storage room just waiting to be used! We turned them on their heads and they make the perfect base for a faux fireplace! We created the top portion using scrap wood and MDF that we had left over from other projects. In all, this project has only cost us $25 out of pocket so far. To give it a finished look, we are on the hunt for a beautiful piece of detailed wood for the front and the perfect tile for the inside! I will keep you posted in our instagram stories as we hunt for those items!

This project keeps getting better as it goes! Stay tuned to see what’s coming in week 4!



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